Summer in a basket with bright yellow chrysanthemums and scarlet lilies.
Asiatic Lily, Standard Chrysanthemum, Spray Chrysanthemum, Leather Leaves, Song of India, Gypsophilia, Cock’s Comb
CompareAsiatic Lily, Standard Chrysanthemum, Spray Chrysanthemum, Leather Leaves, Song of India, Gypsophilia, Cock’s Comb
Average Star Rating: 0.0 out of 5 (0 vote)
If you finish the payment today, your order will arrive within the estimated delivery time.One can never go wrong with this delicate bouquet of flowers in varying shades of pink highlighted by the fragrant lilies.
Oriental Lily, Ping Pong, Sweet William, Spray Chrysanthemum, Statice, Gypsophilia, Eucalyptus leaves, Limonium
Size: Small Bouquet
CompareSimply beautiful as the name suggests, this bouquet is an easy to please and delight combo of white, pink and purple flowers.
Oriental Lily, Spray Chrysanthemum, Standard Chrysanthemum, Button Chrysanthemum, Cock’s Comb, Gypsophilia, Limonium
CompareA beautiful assortment of hydrangeas, orchids, anthuriums and lilies create a delightfully whimsical arrangement to gift a free soul.
CompareThe language of love expressed through flowers never fail to warm one’s heart and lilies in full bloom are sure to do their bit.
Asiatic Lily, Carnation, Button Chrysanthemum, Cock’s Comb, Gypsophilia, Kamini Leaves
CompareLandline number: 044-28151700
18/12 Lakshmanan street, near jeeva park,
T. Nagar, Chennai-17
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